Low-code insights by Flowfactory

Empower great ideas!

[fa icon="calendar"] 10/01/17 16:02 / by Fredrik Lindqvist

Fredrik Lindqvist

Bulb containing a plant with ideas

Do you and your organization come up with great ideas?

I'm sure you do! You continuously have great ideas for enhancing operations, business models, customer and partner interfaces. That’s how you've stayed in business!

Nowadays, many business ideas result in system enhancements or applications in one form or another.

Imagine if those ideas could be realized faster, so that they get to work sooner, rather than later. What would that mean to your organization, and your competitive edge? Developing on a low-code platform is much faster than traditional development – yet powerful enough to make those great ideas remain great ideas, and not just good compromises.

We cannot promise that all your ideas are great – but we can promise that you will find out faster.

You know that speed is the difference between lagging the market and leading it.  How are you addressing this relentless focus on digital speed?  

Stay tuned by subscribing to our blog updates. We are committed to deliver relevant, thought provoking and useful information so that you can make an informed decision about when to take a serious look at low-code and see for yourself what it could mean for your business. 

Download our free whitepaper about Low-code in Swedish. A guide to technology that can dramatically increases the speed of application development and at the same time enables harmonization of the application portfolio.


Ladda ner whitepaper



Topics: empower ideas, digital transformation, low-code, CEO, Business, Awareness

Fredrik Lindqvist

Written by Fredrik Lindqvist

Fredrik is CEO of Flowfactory and has 20+ years experience from the IT Industry. He is specialized in turn around management and has a background as CEO and leadership positions in Sales and Marketing. He has worked with clients such as Tetra Pak, Siemens, Saab, De Laval, E.ON, Volvo IT and Scania. Fredrik holds a B.A. in Economics with a Major in Corporate Finance.

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The content of this presentation covers:

  • Digital Transformation
  • What is low-code?
  • Why is it amazing?
  • Value proposition
  • Success stories
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