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Low-code insights by Flowfactory

Your low-code future might look like this

[fa icon="calendar'] 20/02/23 08:00 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code, low code platform

Where is low-code heading? And how should you use it in your business? A recent Gartner report* sheds some much-needed light on the future of low code. According to Gartner®, “Low code has emerged in the last five years as one potential tool in both enabling business transformation and scaling these initiatives cost-effectively over time.” But is it right for your business right now? Read on to find out.
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När är low-code det rätta valet?

[fa icon="calendar'] 19/01/22 11:05 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code, low code platform

Low-code är den superheta megatrenden inom applikationsutveckling som alla pratar om. Enligt Gartner kommer low-code att stå för minst 65% av världens applikationsutveckling år 2024.
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Low Code: Your Agile Legacy System

[fa icon="calendar'] 27/05/19 07:00 / by Frida Höök posted in ideas, low-code, CEO, application development, CIO, business applications, IT, agile, low code platform, legacy system, innovation, competitive layer

The first thing business users want is to avoid any mention of the legacy system. "Can't we just work around it?" they ask at the start of every project. There is a perception that legacy systems somehow prevent innovation by standing in the way of rapid product development or quick fixes to address customer requests.
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  • What Low-Code is and how it works
  • How Low-Code Can Reduce Complexity in Your Application Portfolio
  • How Low-Code makes it possible to increase the pace of your digital transformation
  • The Low-Code market and the various players
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