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Low-code insights by Flowfactory

Medarbetardriven innovation: Så stärker vi välfärden på riktigt

[fa icon="calendar'] 15/01/25 09:00 / by Julia Hallin posted in digital transformation

Offentlig sektor står inför allt mer komplexa utmaningar med ökade krav på effektivitet, transparens och bättre service till medborgarna.
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Osäkra ansökningsprocesser – har ni råd att ta risken?

[fa icon="calendar'] 06/11/24 10:57 / by Julia Hallin posted in digital transformation

Så kan en digital lösning skydda er från felaktiga utbetalningar och stärka förtroendet På senare tid har vi sett flera exempel där kommuner, regioner och myndigheter blivit ifrågasatta för att ha beviljat bidrag och tillstånd till oseriösa aktörer, något som lett till skärpta krav på tryggare och mer tillförlitliga processer. Felaktiga utbetalningar är inte bara kostsamma – de kan också skada förtroendet för hela verksamheten och påverka bilden av välfärdssystemet. Att hantera ansökningar säkert och öppet är därför viktigare än någonsin.
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Framtidens offentliga sektor: innovation, AI och digitalisering på Almedalen 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] 30/06/24 21:47 / by Julia Hallin posted in digital transformation

Almedalsveckan 2024 är över och Flowfactorys team är tillbaka på fastlandet efter en minst sagt intensiv vecka, fylld av diskussioner kring hur AI och digitalisering håller på att omvandla den offentliga sektorn. Trots att Sverige halkar efter internationellt, finns en stark vilja att öka tempot. Här är några reflektioner och insikter från årets event.
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Digitalisering av offentlig förvaltning: Vägen framåt med slutanvändaren i fokus

[fa icon="calendar'] 17/05/24 10:23 / by Julia Hallin posted in digital transformation

Svensk offentlig sektor står inför många tuffa utmaningar där digitalisering spelar en central roll. De flesta är nog överens om att smart digitalisering kan lösa många problem, men det finns även utmaningar som i sig bromsar utvecklingen.
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AI in Application Development: Beyond the Hype

[fa icon="calendar'] 18/12/23 15:33 / by Stellan Andersson

Are you tired of AI yet? It seems like there’s no escape from AI – it couldn’t be any buzzier than it already is. From fashion to politics, healthcare to entertainment, big tech, and more, people love talking about AI. And for good reason. While forms of AI have been around for decades (yes, we’re all still trying to get over 2001: A Space Odyssey), this new wave feels different. Some even compare it to a new industrial or (more frighteningly) nuclear age.
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Low-code vs. no-code: guide to the best app development approach

[fa icon="calendar'] 07/03/23 09:26 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code

If you’re familiar with low-code development, you’ve undoubtedly already heard of no-code. Why? Because they’re almost always mentioned together in the same breath – and they’re both trendy. Gartner states, “By 2025, 70% of new applications developed by organizations will use low-code or no-code technologies, up from less than 25% in 2020.”
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Your low-code future might look like this

[fa icon="calendar'] 20/02/23 08:00 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code, low code platform

Where is low-code heading? And how should you use it in your business? A recent Gartner report* sheds some much-needed light on the future of low code. According to Gartner®, “Low code has emerged in the last five years as one potential tool in both enabling business transformation and scaling these initiatives cost-effectively over time.” But is it right for your business right now? Read on to find out.
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A guide to application development success: why leading organizations choose low-code

[fa icon="calendar'] 18/01/23 11:30 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code, app development

If you’re a change agent, an innovator, someone who sees opportunities to drive your organization forward and then seizes them – there’s never been a better time to make an impact. Thanks to new application development technologies like low-code, anyone at an organization – whether technical or not – has the power to create highly functional business applications.
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Why Improving Quotation Management Is Your New Competitive Edge

[fa icon="calendar'] 30/08/22 07:53 / by Johan Mangnäs posted in CPQ

As we shared in a recent post, there are many CPQ challenges that cause pain throughout the quotation process for many organizations. But we didn’t stop there, moving on to reveal specific ways a perfectly tailored CPQ application can solve those challenges, and many more.
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The Top 3 CPQ Pain Points (and How to Solve Them)

[fa icon="calendar'] 01/07/22 08:45 / by Johan Mangnäs posted in CPQ

Some call it Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ). Others simply refer to it as their quotation process. Whatever terminology your organization uses, how quotations are managed by sales, shared with customers, and converted into paying orders is a critical process for companies large and small.
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