Low-code insights by Flowfactory

Welcome the Chief Inspiration Officer

[fa icon="calendar'] 19/11/21 09:04 / by Frida Höök posted in CIO

Recently I was honoured to speak at the CIO Innovation Summit Nordics in Stockholm, hosted by IDG Sweden. I'd like to take the opportunity here to share some of the core ideas we discussed, and some of my reflections since then.
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Technology must have its IKEA moment.

[fa icon="calendar'] 30/03/21 07:15 / by Fredrik Lindqvist posted in low-code, CEO, Business, industry technology

We all know or think we know who the one-percenters may be, but have you ever considered who the real one-percenters are? Let’s not think in terms of wealth here, let’s consider the bottleneck of human progress...
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Flowfactory, Darwin and Digital Literacy

[fa icon="calendar'] 16/03/21 07:34 / by Frida Höök posted in digital transformation, low-code, flowfactory, CEO, Business, low code platform

Listen in on this short chat between Dr. James McCabe, an award-winning Oxford scholar, and Flowfactory CEO Fredrik Lindqvist. They talk about how Flowfactory think differently to the rest of the market - a discussion that leads them into the topic of natural evolution and digital literacy. Quite a leap in a chat of only three minutes :) Get inspired!
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What type of CEO are you?

[fa icon="calendar'] 19/03/20 13:33 / by Fredrik Lindqvist posted in CEO, Business

I just read this very interesting article from MIT Sloan: How Leading Organizations Are Getting The Most Value from IT. My immediate takeaways align with our strategy (warning for confirmation bias) to provide a business low-code platform to let our customers transform their businesses with maximum ability to handle the "unknown, unknowns."
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Low Code: Your Agile Legacy System

[fa icon="calendar'] 27/05/19 07:00 / by Frida Höök posted in ideas, low-code, CEO, application development, CIO, business applications, IT, agile, low code platform, legacy system, innovation, competitive layer

The first thing business users want is to avoid any mention of the legacy system. "Can't we just work around it?" they ask at the start of every project. There is a perception that legacy systems somehow prevent innovation by standing in the way of rapid product development or quick fixes to address customer requests.
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Experience is the New Product

[fa icon="calendar'] 25/09/18 06:56 / by Jorna Ludong posted in application development, customer experience, low code platform, competitive layer

Much current thinking on competitive positioning (for example, the Harvard Business Review here; Gartner Research here; and Forbes Leadership Insights here) is to focus on experience, not products. Many leading companies have found that a structured product development process no longer provides a sufficient or effective compass for determining how a company can best solve customer needs.
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How tailored applications put IT at the center of Customer Experience

[fa icon="calendar'] 22/03/18 07:00 / by Stephanie Miller posted in ideas, application development, CIO, UX, tailored applications, speed, customer experience

In the age of the connected customer, the only thing that differentiates a brand is customer experience (CX). Increasingly, those experiences are not human, but digital and automated. This puts IT teams in a situation of both opportunity and vulnerability.
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Digital Ideas to Life - in Real Time!

[fa icon="calendar'] 23/11/17 16:00 / by Stephanie Miller posted in empower ideas, idea, low-code, app development, CEO, Business, CIO

Imagine the magic of bringing an idea to life during a requirements meeting. Perhaps you do this already using a whiteboard or tablet, or even paper napkins. But consider the impact you could have if a solutions architect configures the processes, business flows and the attributes into the application during the discussion.
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