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Low-code insights by Flowfactory

När är low-code det rätta valet?

[fa icon="calendar'] 19/01/22 11:05 / by Frida Höök posted in low-code, low code platform

Low-code är den superheta megatrenden inom applikationsutveckling som alla pratar om. Enligt Gartner kommer low-code att stå för minst 65% av världens applikationsutveckling år 2024.
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What type of CEO are you?

[fa icon="calendar'] 19/03/20 13:33 / by Fredrik Lindqvist posted in CEO, Business

I just read this very interesting article from MIT Sloan: How Leading Organizations Are Getting The Most Value from IT. My immediate takeaways align with our strategy (warning for confirmation bias) to provide a business low-code platform to let our customers transform their businesses with maximum ability to handle the "unknown, unknowns."
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Low Code: Your Agile Legacy System

[fa icon="calendar'] 27/05/19 07:00 / by Frida Höök posted in ideas, low-code, CEO, application development, CIO, business applications, IT, agile, low code platform, legacy system, innovation, competitive layer

The first thing business users want is to avoid any mention of the legacy system. "Can't we just work around it?" they ask at the start of every project. There is a perception that legacy systems somehow prevent innovation by standing in the way of rapid product development or quick fixes to address customer requests.
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How tailored applications put IT at the center of Customer Experience

[fa icon="calendar'] 22/03/18 07:00 / by Stephanie Miller posted in ideas, application development, CIO, UX, tailored applications, speed, customer experience

In the age of the connected customer, the only thing that differentiates a brand is customer experience (CX). Increasingly, those experiences are not human, but digital and automated. This puts IT teams in a situation of both opportunity and vulnerability.
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CIO: What keeps you up at night?

[fa icon="calendar'] 28/09/17 12:06 / by Stephanie Miller posted in empower ideas, ideas, low-code, app development, speed up, CEO, CIO, IT, Consideration

The question; "What keeps you up at night?" is a commonly used executive thinking exercise that is revered and reviled in equal measure. Sure, it's a good way to focus attention and conversation on the things that are most mission critical. It's also a demotivating assumption that there are elements of your business that should give you stressful sleeplessness! This question can feel like an attack on our management skills. Perhaps even more frustrating is that for most of us, those stressful projects are real - and really do keep us up at night.
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CIOs Say YES to Expanding the Competitive Layer

[fa icon="calendar'] 16/06/17 14:21 / by Fredrik Lindqvist posted in empower ideas, low-code, app development, application portfolio management, CEO, CIO, Consideration

Knowing how much technology drives business performance and customer engagement today, wouldn't it be nice to say YES more often to business growth ideas? Unfortunately, too many pushes for traditional digital transformation fail to account (and budget) for the very real impact on developer resources, harmonization and application portfolio management.
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Low-code 101: An Introduction

[fa icon="calendar'] 10/04/17 08:00 / by Frida Höök posted in empower ideas, digital transformation, New competencies, CEO, Business, CIO, Awareness, IT

Welcome to one of the most powerful opportunities in app development: Low-code. The low-code movement is gaining momentum because it addresses one of the greatest modern business challenges: Efficiently responding to customer need. What would you do if you could literally bring new ideas to life for applications - in a matter of days or weeks rather than months or years? Go ahead. Take a moment and think. We'll wait. Yes, we too have lots of ideas. Most businesses do.
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How a Low-Code "Competitive Layer" Reduces APM Costs

[fa icon="calendar'] 07/04/17 14:21 / by Fredrik Lindqvist posted in app development, application portfolio management, CEO, Reduce cost, Reduce complexity, application development, CIO, IT, Consideration

Application Portfolio Management (APM) can either cost you money or save you money. Particularly in our cloud and mobile-based age, the balance between systems performance and user experience optimization is getting harder to maintain. If you are a large corporation chances are your application portfolio looks something like the picture below.
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  • What Low-Code is and how it works
  • How Low-Code Can Reduce Complexity in Your Application Portfolio
  • How Low-Code makes it possible to increase the pace of your digital transformation
  • The Low-Code market and the various players
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